
We are unpretentious and thus create a collegiality based on trust and open, honest, and respectful interaction.


For us, design and storytelling means: understanding. Which always begins with empathy. We put ourselves in the position of others to understand your goals and needs, contributing our part to the success of new ideas.

Thirsty for knowledge

We love to take the stairs down into the depth of topics, exploring new ways to defeat the dragon of complexity with clear solutions.


We are brave and move forward fearlessly for ourselves and our customers, boldly challenging standards, and norms.


We live a no-bollocks mentality at all levels. In our projects as well as in our collaboration. We are open, transparent, and challenge (even our own) perspectives. We always look for simplification – in communication, processes, and solutions.

Growth mindset

Change is a fact for us, not a surprise. We see every internal and external challenge as an opportunity to grow personally as well and have the ambition to always be among the best in our field.

Tolerance & respect

We are a team of diverse cultures and lifestyles with boundless respect for everything that makes us different from each other.


We pitch in and never let our friends down. We take responsibility and deliver what we promise.

*that's untranslatable German


Our Crew